Meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM; Pledge of allegiance  and Conservation pledge recited.

Directors and support staff in attendance. Michael Cumberland, Mike Ripley,  Jon Hiser, Brian Jesteadt Stephen Gustkey.Absent was Tom Horstman and Jim Hackey. There were 13 members in the audience.

TREASURER’S REPORT; Jon Hiser submitted and briefed the report. Income was reported at $606.00; Expenses were $2,452.27 of which $2,027.55 was property taxes.  Total monies on hand in SD’s and savings is $36,771.96.

Rental report: No scheduled hall rentals until the 8th of November. No scheduled range rentals for the rest of this year.  HUNTER SAFETY course is scheduled in the hall for 28 -29 September. Stephen will coordinate that with the PGC.

PISTOL TEAM REPORT; The Pistol Team will start their indoor league on 01 October. All matches will be shot on Thursdays and they will be postal matches until Christmas. At that time an evaluation will be made of the status of the pandemic to see whether to go back to traveling or not.

TRAP TEAM REPORT: Trap team is shooting Tuesdays and a winter league is planned.

BLACK POWDER TEAM.  Mike reported a successful RENDEZVOUS was had with 80 shooters and aprox. 150 total campers. Trail shoots will continue on the second Sunday $52.00 was turned in and Mike will give a detailed accounting of the rendezvous at the October meeting.

JUNIOR RIFLE:. J R  will start up in November shooting the first and third Mondays.

OLD TIMERS GROUP:  They will start shooting 5 October at 9:00 AM.

MEMBERSHIP: Several new members were voted in at the meeting. Brian turned in $340.00  We have 610 total members.

OLD BUSINESS: Stephen reported  a new cap has been installed on the chimney. The new pole building is built. Final inspection and payments are pending.

NEW BUSINESS: No new business

Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.